Meet Michelle

My Family

I was born and raised in West Michigan and moved to Georgetown Township in 1986. I have been married to Cal Dieleman for 34 years. Cal recently retired after 35 years of working at Herman Miller. Together we raised four kids, who attended Jenison Public Schools. We have three grandchildren and another on the way, who bring incredible joy to our lives. We also have two dogs, who keep us active. We often travel to Colorado where we spend time with family and friends. We love to hike in the mountains with our dogs.

My Faith

As a Christian, I try to live as Jesus did. Jesus put loving people as they are and meeting their basic needs (like food and health) above the religious rules of the day (for example, healing on the Sabbath). He was approachable and built authentic relationships with the people he led.

My faith informs my thinking, and I believe in separation of church and state. I will uphold freedom of religion and treat people impartially regardless of their personal beliefs.

My Experience

A small business owner of 35 years

After graduating high school with honors, I attended trade school to study cosmetology, where I again graduated with honors. Then, I opened my own salon, where I have been self-employed for over 35 years. Being a small business owner is a challenging and rewarding experience. It has allowed me to make my own schedule, which was extremely important when my children were young. I have learned how to both have boundaries and provide excellent customer service.

Served in various community leadership positions

I have sat on nonprofit boards for over 25 years at both the local and State level. I served as a chairperson at various times, including during a period of organizational upheaval. Holding these positions has taught me how to work in cooperation with my fellow board members. It has also given me experience with following Robert’s Rules of Order, adhering to the Open Meetings Act, and writing policy and procedure.

Ready to serve
my community.