My Vision


Ottawa County Deserves Better:

Since taking office in January 2023, the Commissioners affiliated with Ottawa Impact have made several costly decisions, many without public input. Below are just a few examples:

🚫 Unnecessary costs, including changing the county’s motto, severance payments, and increased legal fees.

🚫 Lawsuits that allege: Health Director Hambley’s wrongful termination, County Administrator Gibbs’ wrongful termination, violation of the Open Meetings Act, age discrimination, religious discrimination

🚫 Cuts to vital programing, including food assistance and health services.

🚫 Proposed 60% raises for Commissioners

I believe in good governance, fiscal responsibility and common sense. Tax dollars should be spent wisely and in service of the common good.

✅ I will adhere to both the requirements and the spirit of the Open Meetings Act.

✅ I will not waste time on issues that fall outside the scope of county government.

✅ I will ensure the county budget includes adequate funding for vital services.

✅ I will comply with all official hiring and firing procedures.

✅ I will ensure vacant county positions are filled in a timely manner.


I want to restore trust in our local government. There will be no surprises. Let’s make government boring again.

✅ I am committed to following expected operating procedures and making decisions with full transparency.

✅ I will ensure agenda items are publicly posted in advance, rather than being added during Commission meetings.

✅ I will work to eliminate the frequent use of closed sessions by the Board.

✅ I will not propose or support any action without asking my constituents for their input.


I believe that all people are created equal and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. I am available and committed to listening to my constituents. I will be responsive to your needs and seek out solutions that work for all of us.

There is strength in diversity. You belong here.

Ready to serve
my community.